New to "ghosting"


New member
Hello all...

I have a small restoration shop just for my own projects. I have several corvettes, AMX s, and a Barracuda. I do all of my own work and, as you can imagine, sometimes progress is slow as molasses in winter. Anyway... I do my own paint, as well. Typically use PPG base coat with 2002 clear. As of now, I have 5 cars in various stages of recreation and, heading to the paint booth.

I have no experience with "ghosting" but woulkd like to try with a simple "ghosted" over the roof ralley stripe. The car is base coated with PPG DBC in GM bright blue metallic with the 2002 clear. I am just beginning the exterior base now. I am looking for advise on how to proceed with "ghosting" the stripes before I continue.


Above ismy 'cuda as it sits today. All advise appreciated



Staff member
Welcome! Looks like you do nice work.

There are a couple ways you could go about making some subtle graphics over your base.
First you could just use a white pearl. Spray or airbrush this over your base.
Or, you could take the base color and slightly lighten it or darker it. Then spray or airbrush it over the base.
Once done, clearcoat it. This 'should' give you a nice 'ghost' (phantom or subtle) look to it.


New member
Do you mean some white pearl in a clear base coat or, added to the bright blue metallic base coat?

Lighten or darken the base coat as in increasing or decreasing the color formula? I guess this would be sprayed on pretty dry?

Is one easier or prefered over the other?

Please excuse my ignorance and, thanks for the help



Staff member
Just a straight white pearl. Like the pearlcoat on the GM White Diamond. It's basically just all white pearl and a little clear binder in it.


You can lighten or darken the basecoat and use this. You can lighten it by adding white pearl or silver. Or you can darken it using blue toner, black, red....