Iwata LPH400-LVX questions.... new guy


New member
Hello everyone. I'am new to painting. I'am looking at this iwata but I'am confused about a couple of things. I want to get the 1.3mm and buy a 1.4mm needle/fluid tip for clears. Can I still use the orange cap or do I need to get the regular silver cap for clears ? Reading iwatas website says this gun is set up for base coats. Should I just buy a different gun just for clears ? Maybe a devilbiss 670 for clears ? Thanks for the help.


I don't know if this will help you out any, but I use to use the same gun for both base and clears which was I believe a 1.6 and it seemed to work at the time.
We now have two guns (actually 5), but our main guns are a 1.3 for base and a 1.5 for clear.
Instead of buying 2 guns, maybe you can buy fluid nozzle 2 setups.

Adam McLaughlin

New member
I just bought this gun myself; got it last week. I got the LPH 400 with the 1.3 tip and the Orange cap. I've been looking forward to getting some more behind the wheel time in regards to painting; so I think that I might be shooting my truck here in the next month.

When I shot my truck back in 2005; the painter used this gun for both the base coat and the clear. Came out really nice!



New member
Thanks for the help. I guess I'll get it and find out, I'll try using the gun for both applications. I'd like to see how your truck comes out adam.. post some pix when it's done.

Adam McLaughlin

New member
What I would like to know is if I can use the 1.3 tip to shoot Transtar 2K primer well; I saw my painter friend do this back when we shot my Orange Ranger, but I read that the primer wants a larger tipped gun and I am wondering if I am making a mistake before I even get started.

Here is what I am working with in regards to the truck today. I think I want to go with the base coat white, w/ blue Lemans Stripes like a 2007 Mustang Shelby. This truck has a 5.8 L Engine with AFR Heads in it, so it's got some get up and go.





New member
Anything you want to know about Iwata guns check out this forum......

You can use the orange cap for clears but the silver cap gives best results. If you change fluid nozzles on the LPH400 you only need the fluid nozzle, you can use the same aircap and needle with different size fluid nozzles.
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New member
nice truck, I wonder if you have any problems keeping those rear tires hooked ! Thanks for the link nzgrip.