hello from Scotland



Hi there, just thought that i would drop a lone to you all from Bonnie Scotland! I have built a few choppers from some old bikes that i often get my hands on but i normally get someone else to do my paint for me. This time i have decided to try it out for myself. I appreciate the wealth of information and experience that is available on here and want to thank everyone in advance for the help which i am sure i will receive from you all!!



New member
Welcome Shaggy!
You will love this site. I gained unmeasurable amounts of advice and ideas from the guys on FlamesBoard.

One of these days I'm coming over to Scotland to see where the family came from. Carrothers (sp) Valley in Lowlands of Scotland. I tried finding out how to move there and become a citizen, but I couldn't find any info on the net about it.

Well, good luck with your first paint job experience.

Take it easy.


hi there, Randy, I am really looking forward to finding out more about spraying bikes from this site! i have done various spray jobs on bikes but they have only been a flat one colour job, but i have always loved the flame jobs. I came across this site through the chopper builders handbook, which is also a great site!
Coming here to live is really easy, JUST COME HERE!!! you will love it, many of your fellow countrymen have come and started up many new and succesful businesses, so if you want to come on over on a holiday then let me know and i can try and set up some stuff for you!!




Welcome to the FB.
Heck, sounds like you're doing pretty good if you been doing it for 12 years.
Congrats to you...Never been to Scotland....who knows.



i reckon that everyone should come over here at least once in thier life, it is the greatest place on earth witht he friendliest of people(most of the time!!) i think that this is one of the most useful sites that i have come across and have already been putting some of the information to good use! I have almost completed my first flame job on a bike which i am nearly finished, it doesn't look to bad but i think that with practice i may just get not bad at it!!