ghost flames


New member
what do you need to do to add ghost flames to your current paint job?

friend told me to add to coats of then put on the ghost.


New member
you can add ghost flames to your current job if you dont mind having a raised edge to the flame.just mask out the flame scuff and spray the flame.however in my opinion the best way would be to scuff the entire panal thats going to get flames.mask out your flame , base,demask and clear the entire panel,wet sand the flame edge down,scuff the entire panel again and then clear it.this should give you no visable flame's more work but it will look profesional.good luck.:bigokay:


Sand the panels down with 1000 grit that you plan on adding flames. Layout your flames, spray them, pull the tape off. Then clear the complete panel.



New member
i use sikkens in my shop but i'm in northern ontario my best choice for you would be house of kolor.ask your local body shop or auto supply.cyas


New member
how much paint and clear would i need to do a fairing,tank ,front fender and hard bags.

the fairing need to be primed?


New member
from scratch i would go with one quart base,one quarter pint of candy and or pearl (depending on what you have in mind for flames).one quart roll 1/8 fine line tape,one roll 7/8 masking tape'go to a local body shop and bum a couple of yards of masking paper.dont forget reducers and activator to go with your paints.your supply store will know what you need on that score.
you may have some materials left after but thats better than running out half way through.i based this list on the assumption that this is a one time job and you are new to this.please dont be insulted if i was wrong.cyas:luck: