Clean mixing cup and save on haz. mat.



I don't know about you, but I use the plastic mixing cups (with measurements) to do my clear mixing. If you use these, instead of throwing away your catalyzed clear once you are done spraying (and if you are a body shop, pay for the removal), simply pour the catalyzed clear back in the cup, and let it harden. Another tip is to leave your "paint paddle" in the cup as well.

Over night your clear will harden. Once it is hardened, you can now pull the stick out, and it will also pull the hardened clear. Now you can throw this away as a "solid" and not "waste material", thus cutting down on costs... Plus you have a nice clean cup to re-mix in.



I also use the mixing cups but for resin to.I let it harden and pull out the brush with the''lump''. It comes out in a peice AND removes any contaminates.Ive had the same resin cup for 3 years.


New member thing about reusing a mixing cop, especially for clear. This may seem like commonsense, but make sure the cup is ABSOLUTELY clean! I reused a cup that had clear dry in it & it left a real thin brittle coat on the side of the cup that I didn't even notice. IT crumbled up and mixed with the clear. I strained the clear, but some how those particals of dry clear ended up in my clear coat surface and if you really looked hard at the clear on the fender you could see the particals....needless to say I grab a new cup everytime when I clear now.

I might try cleaning the cup with a little solvent and see what I get.


I bring in old containers of all sorts and pour my leftovers into them, clear, primer, basecoat and let them sit on the back shelf until jelled up. it works. Just a little run off sometimes of solvent but that goes into the 55 gallon barrel the rest into the trash.


I simply use the 3M PPS system and allow the paint to harden in the liner and simply toss in the trash. For me, this system is far cheaper than paying for waste disposal.