Buffing, polishing and compounding


New member
Hi Guys,

I'm a newbie and am painting my Dresser. I want the best finish I can get so that means color sanding and polishing. With all the contours, I'd like to use a smaller buffer/polisher like a 3". I've looked here and found theSnap-on air powered polisher but the free speed is 5500 rpms and for a new guy Im afraid that it is just too fast. Any suggestions on a 3" polisher anew guy can use?

Thanks in advance.


New member
I use an angle die grinder with the 3" velcro setup and mine turns in the 5 digits for rpm.If you're not used to triggering it to control the speed most have a screw opposite the air valve.It'll be a big straightblade screw with a spanner nut around it,if you turn the straightblade it usually regulates the airflow.If not you can put a cheap brass regulator on itMost of these things have no torque so you have to turn them a little fast but that one sounds like a gear reduction drive so you might have the torque to run at low rpm.I prefer to sand and reclear if I can instead of cut and buff the whole thing.If it does need a buffing it's usually nip a few dust nibs and if there's any light peel it knocks out quick.


New member
Thanks Rex for your expertese. It makes good sense and I will try it. This is the greatest site! Sorry it took me so long to reply.