Tape removing tip from a newbie..


big stinkie

I'm new at this, and have little to add. I've learned a lot from this forum, and I think I might finally be able to submit a useful idea. It's not a biggie, but it seems to help me out. When applying thinline tape for flames, I try to leave an inch or two extra at the end of each hunk, and fold the very end of it over on itself. When (not if) I don't like the layout, I can easily grab the folded part, lift, and adjust the tape's position. Keeps me from trying to dig up the end with my fingernail and scratching the b/c. Once I'm happy with the design I carefully lift up the excess tape and cut it off with a razor blade.

Additionally, I do the same with the wide masking tape when masking a tank or fender. I run it an inch past the edge and fold it over upon itself, forming a nice tab to grab. When the time comes to remove it, I simply grab the folded part and pull. No need to fuss finding a loose corner to pull anymore!