

New member
hey so i just purchased a pinstripe set. i really need a different option to preservative. the only people in town wont have any in until next week. my weekend is ruined


No big deal. Just wait until they get back and purchase it then. Your brushes will be fine until then



New member
so its fine if i go ahead and use them. just preserve them on like thurs when i can get it?


New member
thanx a lot guys :) got a 78" piece of glass to practice long stripes. u think thats the best way to learn? practice straight lines before moving onto patterens and such?


New member
You can use any mineral oil, many people use "3-in-One" oil, which is available in most drug store and virtually all hardware stores.

So there's your answer, but here's my recommendation. Don't use any oil at all on your brush(es). Just clean them very well. That's all you really have to do, the oil is just used to make up for poor cleaning. For cleaning use Mineral Spirits if you are using a pinstriping paint like One Shot, but use L-thinner if you are using a urethane paint, like HOK pinstriping paints. I will tell you that I have never used any oil at all on my brushes and never will. I simply refuse to introduce potential contaminants to my paint jobs, and I always burry striping under the clear.