not artistic?cant draw flames?try this!



over the internet find a flame pattern that u like and print it out....using a needle poke little holes all along the flame, shine a lite behind it and u have a perfect flame outline to put on your vehicle, just got to get it the right distance to get it to work, a little experimentation and you'll have some wicked flames for your ride!!!!!


New member
an easier way would to use a pounce wheel it is like a pen shaped handle with a little cow boy type spur at the bottom to poke the holes lay your pattern on tob of the object to be painted use blue carpenters chalk and pounce down your design and you will get a blue dotted line in the shape of your design then gust tape your design


New member
That's kind of how they do graphics on busses and the big stuff.If you can get your hands on an overhead viewer,just make your design on the clear 'paper' and lay it on the projector.Flip it over for the other side and you have a mirror copy.If you have alot of intertwinig colors it helps to show where to cover for each color with alot less thinking.

RAD Airbrush

I use an over head projector all the time for big stuff. Lets you move pictures around or try different images without re drawing everything. check out BEARAIR>COM they have a lot of different projectors.


Or...print it out,rub the backside with a Stabilo pencil,flip it rightside up on whatever you want to transfer it to,trace the design, lift off the paper and you have your design ready for masking.


Originally posted by rex:
That's kind of how they do graphics on busses and the big stuff.If you can get your hands on an overhead viewer,just make your design on the clear 'paper' and lay it on the projector.Flip it over for the other side and you have a mirror copy.If you have alot of intertwinig colors it helps to show where to cover for each color with alot less thinking.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Be careful though, the library gets a little PO'd when you return their overhead projector with overspray on it.