
Well I am new to this site. In addition, I like this website you have designed and its just the place I need and I will come here more often so I can learn more. I' am 18 years old and I have been doing art most of my life. I’m a senior and in auto body class. This is “awesome”. I originally joined the class so I could put my art on cars.
Nevertheless, not until the end of the year my new teacher that is taking place of my former teacher. Has seen my drawing or "shadowing" I do with color pencils on paper but he wants me to learn airbrush on cars, which I can’t wait to know.
He is transferring me out of my school to go and learn at his school scents mine is still has not been approved is the last 5 years. The class still uses airways and air sanders, grinders, and sticky sand paper not the Velcro ones scents they tend to fall off yet it is one of the biggest auto places on the east peninsula.
The instructor says when I return I will be working hydroplanes and NASCAR racecars. I hope that I get to work on mustang’s and other vehicles.
I would be interested if someone would give me more infomation on what Kind of airbrushing tools or things I need to know I be using and such.