New Look


New member
Scott, i really don't know how you do it
. Where do you find the time? I was reading your event calander and noticed you are up loading a new site on Friday, wanna give us a hint


I'm done for the night!

I uploaded all the pages a little earlier than Fri. Got tired of that red/black scheme.
I did completely redo the front page though (among quite a few other things). Used quite a bit of SSI (server side includes).

I changed a couple of scripts in this program so it reads "on the fly", current Flames Board stats and the calender so it shows up on the front page . I also have it so a "Featured Member" comes up every hour and all new members show up on the front page. Baically wanted to make it so the front page changes automatically pretty often.

Still got to redo some old graphics and go back through some old pages, but I'll do it later this week.

My next little script I do will tell *exactly* how many members are in the forum on the front page. I'll have it show up in the paragraph We now have over 455 members. If you plan on doing the project yourself...

If you don't see the new "Cool Blue" scheme in the Flames Board, go to "my profile" (where you edit your info) and change the "Template" (under your profile) to "Cool Blue". This way, it matches the rest of the site.

Kind of got the impression you might still see the red/black Flames Board theme.

I like doing this stuff. can you tell?


Talk to you later!