Liquid Flames


New member
Years ago I saw a custom painted car that had "flames" made up of Smiley Faces and the faces then "blobed-off" into tiny faces. (I know sounds like a bad dream!:haha: )

I was recenlt thinking of painting a truck with flames made to look like ocean waves. Something like the classic "Great Wave" but adapted to be flame-like.

Has anyone ever created a work like that or seen one?

If so I would really appreciate a picture/example.

I can see the finihed work in my head but I am having some issues getting it down on paper.:freak:



Staff member
Hmmmm, very interesting. Haven't seen anything like that.
I'd like to see the smiley face flame job. That sounds like a neat paint job to pull off.

If you find or have pics of it, please post.