Help with my HP-C Plus


I tried to spray some silver thru my HP-C yesterday and I can't get the fluid down far enough to get a nice tight pattern.When I bring it down where I need it,it just sputters.I just sprayed a nice tight edge with a non mettalic red and came out great.If I get a bigger tip,will I still get as thin of line?Or am I doing something wrong?I did over reduce it and same thing.I should mention that i'm doing silver flames and just want the edge blown real tight,almost like pinstripe.Will I have the same trouble with pearls?thanks for any help,Jim


New member
Hi Jim
I,ve been using an HPC for about a month now and have the same problem from time to time. I fine if I take the outer tip off it won't sputter as much. I also take the needle out and wipe it off to get any build up removed. Sometimes I'll pull the trigger all the back and release it fast to kind of clear it. I think if you go with a larger nozzle and needle, you won't get as fine of a line. I'd love to get the Micron( Iwata )but $400.00 is a bit much right now. I think some of the more experianced members can give you better suggestions Good Luck......Mo


Thanks MO,I'll give it a try.I really think silver will go good with alot of colors and want to be able to offer it.Jim



How thin of a line are we talking about? Also what kind of silver are you using? For the most part there is no good trick for getting around the size of the tip. Reducing it wont help much because its the solid particals that get stuck. When shooting metalics I use a HP-CS (.35 tip) and I dont have too many problems. I use the Orion silver base coat from HoK. You could use a white silver pearl and get away with it for smaller tips but sometimes it doesnt give the right effect.


Burton,Thanks for responding.I'm useing dupont base coat.The line I want is about 1/8-3/16th wide,normally not a problem but,When I go around the flame edge,I have the fluid way down so I can go over and over the tape edge (so I get it more even with a thinner. paint edge).If I turn the fluid up where the silver will flow steady,It's heavy and wide for the effect I'm looking for.Hope I'm explaining this right.Jim