Hello from Austin, TX


New member
Hello, my name is Kevin and I'm addicted to Painting :yesnod01:!

I'm currently staying busy with two shops, I work in a classic car auto restoration shop and just finished moving my paint business within the same shop (painting motorcycles). Most of the motorcycle work is candies, pearls, flakes, some flames (ghosted and real) and some graphics. I believe what makes a good paint job is the prep work, so I spend nearly a month just making sure everything is perfect before it goes into paint (all my employee's hate me due to this).


These pictures are of a bike I did for a present for my brother, bike was a matte silver. Striped down and every inch was painted, all white base coat with Subaru blue (tiny silver metallic flake add in for more pop). Rims, and pegs are heavy silver metallic with gold candy. Frame switched to flat black. It took 2 months to do as it needed at lot of fiberglass work, about 1 month of prep work and another to ensure clear was 100% flat with no peel any where. It's not been out of the garage since it was painted a year ago. I'll drop some more paint jobs on here as soon as I can find the external hard drive.