First set of ghost flames


New member
Hello, I have been painting cars since the early 80’s so I am familiar with most aspects of the industry. After 30 years I am preparing to spray my first set of ghost flames on a Viet Nam era military truck painted GM Fairway green metallic. The hood and door stars will be silver and am ghosting a skull into them. Here is the question, I know the pearl colors to do this can look good or bad depending on what color is used so I am looking for color suggestions on the flames and skulls. I would appreciate any feedback either on the forum or email me directly at Thanks


New member
I am not getting any responses on this so let me rephrase my question. With the Green, is it a good idea to use a green pearl to do the ghost flames or is it better to use like a blue or ??? I want them subtle so I am sure a big contrast in color will not look good. Also, with the silver should I go silver pearl or ???. Also, what do any of you prefer as types or manufactures of pearl paints.


New member
I think a lot depends upon how subtle you want the finished flames to be.
How heavy you spray plays almost as big a part as what color you choose.


New member
How about posting a picture of the vehicle as it is?
For many, the color "name" may not mean a whole lot, where the actual color shown on the vehicle will give us a better idea of what you have to work with. And for those of us fluent in Photoshop we can put up some versions of flames in a variety of colors on your vehicle.
Hope that made some sense.


New member
go to the wreckers and buy some rusty bonnets or skin them and cut off the rust. You now have the perfect 'cheap' canvas for practice and experimenting. Try all the suggested styles and have fun.


Staff member
I think just a silver pearl will get you what you want. But you'll need to over-reduce the silver and spray it on. It will be up to your spray technique to achieve the subtleness that you want though.
Instead of a silver, a gold or green pearl might look nice.

Have to see some pics in order to get a better idea of what green you are going with.

Like Robs mentioned, get you some panels to practice on to get the desired color and effect.