finishing off!


New member
hey guys im painting my jetski i have all the paint down (2 pack black) and was wondering how long i should wait before giving it a sand???
is 24 hours enough??? Also how should i do it 1500 grit all over then a 2000grit??? wet or dry???? and then just get some cutting compound and buff it ????

cheers Rory


Most body shops let them go overnight, before sanding and buffing. It is much easier to do it that soon. After a few days the paints get pretty hard and are more work to do it.
I usually wait a month (!!!!) before sanding and buffing, and I take my time, usually do an 800 or 1000 cust and wait a few days before going onto 1500, then 200 if the color is dark. It IS more time and more work, but I don't get the dulling and sandscratches ccoming back that you get if you do it sooner.