Character- Not Paint Specific


New member
Posted in COVERTAIR on April 9th, 2010
I have never been one to get excited when we have the opportunity to meet or work with stars or celebrities. However I recently encountered a project that threw a wrench in the spokes of my perspective.

A recent project involved producing a video for Warrick Dunn. The production would be used as a vehicle to promote the Warrick Dunn foundation. Like most people that have lived in Tampa, I am familiar with the news stories of Warrick and how he has helped single parent families in the area. As all the press associated with Warrick was all positive, I made a mental note that this was a role model for the youth of today all the while hoping that the other shoe wouldn't drop. (ala Tiger Wood's and the like.)

Here is where my perspective gets tweaked. A few days before Warrick was scheduled to be in the studio, I spoke with Jennifer Maxwell, director of the foundation. I wanted to ask if Warrick would sign a jersey for a neighbor who is a young man with special needs and a big fan. I would normally not even make a point of requesting an autograph in advance but I am familiar with stories of Warren Sapp, the former team mate of Warrick's.

Jennifer told me that a signed jersey wouldn't be a problem but I decided to push it just a bit further. I told Sally DePalma of Special Connections that we would be finished with the shoot around 10:40 in the morning and if we could have a "buddy" with my neighbor Matt, keep an eye out for when we were finished, he could bring Matt down and meet Warrick.

Well sure enough we finished at 10:40 and began saying our goodbyes to Warrick. As he made he way to his car, I see Allen walking up the sidewalk with Matt. To my surprise Warrick didn't wait for Matt to make his way to us crutches in tow, he met him halfway. The joy displayed on Matt's face would melt the hardest of hearts. They talked and shared a special handshake that that seemed like it could only have been developed by long time friends. Matt commented on the sharpness of Warrick's attire and stated that he should come preach a sermon at his church.

Matt_Warrick_3..jpgThe two new friends shared time together with no one being patronized or posing for the media. This experience confirmed my point of view that true character is doing the right thing when no one is looking. Thank you Warrick for reaffirming my faith in the human spirit.