buff dryor no

lil bull

New member
When using a power buffing I put the compound on the lambs wool bonnet and then buff. My question is when do I stop, when it is dry or still wet and then wipe dry. The same question for the glaze. I buffed the glaze dry last night and man I could not hadly get it off. I am wet sanding old acryic enamel and then trying to buff it back out. thanks:think1:


New member
keep checking the surface with the back of your hand.warm is ok hot is not.the lambs wool pad is good for your first cut but is very agresive. you should switch to a medium foam pad with a finer polish and then go to a black pad for final. most polishes cut best when the pad is just a little damp but not dry.keep a windex spritzer bottle handy with water.run the polish off the pad frequently to stop it cloging. (i use an old comb)i find it best to wash off the last residue and not polish it dry .good luck.cyas
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lil bull

New member
so I take it you mean run the buffer and stop before the rubbing compound and glaze becomes dried out on the paint surface and then wipe it off while still damp??


New member
yep.try to get a micro cloth if you can.they work great.use one for each grit.(course,med,fine)that way you wont contaminate your finner pad with course compund.if not still use three differant soft cloths.as for your first question .if you run it dry you run a risk of burning through.so slightly damp is the watch word.good luck.cyas