Beugler pinstripers?



Anyone using a Beugler? I have painted signs and a few cars/motorcycles/boats etc... One thing I cannot get good at is pinstriping. I have shaky hands and no amount of practice allows me a clean line, let alnoe trying to lay a curve. I usually get frusterated and lay down vinyl tape. I have seen these Beuglers at trade shows and car shows and the such and was always inerested in them. I was at a car show this weekend and fianally took the chance to play with one. I am truly amazed at the quality of line it will lay down. It has a nice feel to it and has enough mass to keep it stable. I am interested in your opinions of these. I'm probably going to get one, even if to have some fun and use it as another creative outlet. Where to get one at a good price? Used or new? Opinions appreciated.


New member
I was at the Rod and Custom Car show too and saw the booth. The guy was able to do some nice looking pinstripe designs and flames quickly on paper. The only thing I saw him do on the fender was a straight line? Obviously a guy that uses it daily can make it look easy. I'd really like to know what those with experience have to say. It's tempting!



Yup, he did make it look easy, at least on paper. I could actually practice with one of those without getting frustrated. I did some checking around on the web and found the cheapest place to get the Beugler delux kit was they have them for $84.95. Coast has them for $95.00 and Dick Blick has them for $99.95. The guy at the show was raving about how good of a deal his was at $129.95!? His regular price is $159.99?! HA! Glad I didn't buy one at the show!


New member

If you happen to pick one up, please be sure to post back and let us know how it works. I may have to see if I can't work that for Christmas. It sure would be fun to play around with.



I will end up with one. Just a question of layin' out he scratch myself, or talkin' to Santa about it. I was even thinking of going the ebay route, but I think I would rather have a new one with good seals and wheels that aren't all nicked up. I'll let you know how it works. I'm sure it will out-perform me by a long shot.


New member
[I saw the guy at the Sturgis rally this year and bought one. I like it. I also have a shaky hand and this thing takes the shake out. However, if you get one spend plenty of time practicing on paper, metal, whatever. And the only drawback I can say I've found is that you cant get right up under trim and the like. You have to get as close as you can and then use a brush for that up close to trim stuff. Also, if you're not going to clear coat it, then use a catalyst in the striping paint. To me it was worth the $125 I paid for it and all the extra paint wheels. (I got the deluxe pack) Good luck.


I put one on my Christmas list. I think I saw the UPS guy drop it off at the house today, but I wasn't allowed to see where the box came from, so that pretty much confirms it.


New member
I picked a used Buegler up off of ebay a few weeks ago and just got a chance to use it tonight. I also got my first chance at using a Mack 00 striping brush I had picked up a few months ago. With both I used One Shot paint.

With the Buegler, I poured the paint right into the barrel and was at it. First thing I did was pull some varying lines and WOW was I impressed. I was able to pull a smooth consistent line without a problem. Within minutes I was pulling off designs I'd be happy to have on my car.

I tried the Mack striping brush next and the difference was night and day. I wasn't able to do anything with it. I could pull long lines but they were wobbly and inconsistent. I couldn't really do much of anything. Granted this was my first attempt at striping and it was late, but the stuff I did with the brush was worthless.

I can't wait to go play with the Buegler again. I'm sold on it. I know that with practice, I'd have more control with the brush and could pull of varied with strokes and do something cool, but for a beginner, the Buegler was great! Well worth the money I spent.



Santa brought me one for Christmas! I also started a new job the day after Christmas, so I haven't had a chance to use it yet. D'OH! Looks nice though, and feels real nice in the hand! He also brought me one of the magnetic guides too.